Friday, February 20, 2009

(O.k. so i have been trying FOREVER to publish this post. I first wrote it about a month or more ago. But i was having the hardest time downloading the video on anything. So, I finally decided to youtube it, and they deleted the audio!! I am frustrated! Mainly because i don't know a single thing about computers and that is all our world is coming to :) So, here is the video, without sound. The 2 songs that play to it are, "Untitled Hymn(Come to Jesus)" by Chris Rice, and then followed by "If you only knew" by Randy Travis. I linked the video, and then each song. So if you would like to go through the work of adding the audio while the video is playing, you can click on each song simultaniously while you have the video up. Sorry, it's the best i could do, until i can actually get someone that knows what they are doing, to help me :) Thanks for remembering my little boy with me.... Here is the original post....)

So i was listening to the radio this morning, when an all-to-familiar song came on. I realized that it was one of the songs that we used on a video we put together to play at Josiah's funeral. It's not a widely played song, which is why i haven't thought about the video for a while. I decided that this is a day that I needed to pull it out and watch it again. I sat there watching the video, with Caleb beside me, and didn't expect to get hit with such pain that i did. I still miss my little boy so much, and it still feels like it just happened yesterday. Even 2 years later, i still can't come to the conclusion of why it happened, but only that i still trust my Savior entirely through it all. He is perfect and merciful, and who am I to judge God, but His creation? I love the Lord with my entire life and i will try to worship Him wholly until I go to be with Him.

So i just wanted to post this video, to share with you all because I want little Josiah to be remembered. I don't want him to be another forgotten head stone in the cemetary. This little boy radically changed our lives by helping us come to the decision that there is more to this life for our family than where we were. Thus leading us to where we are now. I love him and miss him, and i just want to glorify God through his little life. I definately don't want all of what we went through, to be for nothing. So i write this..., to praise God. Praise Him for drawing me to Him, for giving us another little blessing, for still having sweet little Caleb, for my wonderful husband, and just for every good thing He has ever given me. Even before i came to him. Thank you Father.

The video....

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

1 John 2:2

So we finalized our decision to go to Redding this summer. We have been thinking about this and checking into different possibilities since last September when school started. I had contacted at least 5 different guys before Christmas about possibly doing an internship with them when school was done. I met with pastor Brian from Romania and discussed the possibilities of going over there but because of certain situations decided not to pursue that any longer.
So a couple of weeks after our 2nd trimester started I hadn't had much feed back from anyone else and was really starting to wonder what to do next. I remembered that the Word says to make our requests known to Him, so I did. It was a Sunday night and I was up late praying and I specifically prayed that God would let me hear back from one of these guys within 1 week and give me some more direction on what avenue to pursue. Well God is faithful and I recieved an email from the pastor in Canada that I had been trying to get a hold of. Sweet I thought, the Lord must want me to start in that direction. Well the next morning Mellie called me and told me we had recieved an email from pastor Kirk in England who I had also been trying to contact. He said he would love to have us there and sent us some paperwork to start filling out. Sweet I thought, now I have 2 possibilities. So that next saturday I was filling out the paperwork to do an internship in Stockport, England when my computer beeped at me telling me I had a new email. It was from pastor Brian in Redding.
It had been a couple of months since I had heard anything from him so I had pretty much dismissed the opportunity. Well in his email he laid out this huge plan that he had obviously been thinking and praying about. He needs an assistant pastor, he offered us to stay in his own house if we need to, and even offered to put me to work with him laying carpet as much as he could. It was a total answer to prayer.
I had been going through the book of proverbs at the time and remember it saying at least three times that there is safety and wisdom in a multitude of counselors. So I took that next week to really pray and seek Godly counsel about it all. One of the guys I talked to was pastor Mike Sasso here at Calvary Boise. One of the things he said was to "just make sure he is seeking to build God's kingdom, not his own." Well later that week we had decided that we were going to take the open door and start planning our move down there. When I called Brian to tell him and talk about the ministry that we will be helping out with he told me that our plan was just to build God's kingdom - almost exactly quoting what pastor Mike told me.
Anyway we are very excited to take this step of faith and really just desire to give our whole lives to serve the Lord. I am so thankful that He has given me a wife who is so supportive and also has a heart to serve. "...all things were created through Him and for Him." -Col.1:16

Monday, January 19, 2009

Finally, i posted one...

O.k. so i finally am now getting around to post our first blog! I created this blog about 2 weeks ago, but haven't posted anything, lol. so i am sorry if you have come to read it to find only a nice brown background to look at.
We decided to create this blog so that we can keep all of our friends and family informed of what we are doing and how the Lord is working in our lives. This makes it easy to keep in contact with those whom are wondering where we are :)
Ben started his second semester of school a few weeks back and has gotten into the full swing of being swamped with reading and homework :) But he has been so blessed to be able to study and take this time to draw closer to the Lord. I love hearing him come home everyday to tell me about something new he has learned and to just be so excited about it. He probably tells me at least once a week of a new book that i have got to read... so i just need to find time to start all of them :)
We have been praying alot lately now, about where we are going to intern. After Ben finishes school in June, they have to do a 3 month internship somewhere. Then he will be officially done with school. The internship has to be serving in a church in some way. They don't tell the students where to go or anything, because they want them to learn to listen and hear the Lord in what He wants them to do. We have been praying about our internship since ben started school, but now we are really stepping it up, so that we can get things lined up for when ben is done with the schooling part. Our whole purpose of him going to school, was to get equipped so that we can go out and continue on. So we are getting really excited to find out where this will be. Ben has talked to or exchanged e-mails with about 5 different pastors in different places, so we are just trying to really hear the Lords voice on which one is the way we should go. No matter where we end up, we are just excited to be dedicating our lives to completly doing the Lords work. We have a desire to see people saved and come to have a real relationship with Jesus, and are thankful for any part in that, that the Lord decides to use us. So we will keep you all posted as this continues to unfold for us, and for now, please keep us in prayer :)